Hotkeys > 
Garbage Mask Hotkeys

Use the following hotkeys when creating garbage masks.

  Press: To:
  Shift-drag Enable Autolink to parent a node by swiping it across another node
  Alt+Shift-drag Reverse Autolink
  Ctrl+C Create a copy of the selected node, in Schematic view
  A Select all vertices
  G-drag Automatically adjust the tangents of selected vertices when you scale or move the garbage mask
  spacebar+A Switch to Add mode
  spacebar+B Switch to Break mode
  spacebar+C Switch to Create mode
  spacebar+O Switch to Orbit mode
  spacebar+P Switch to Parent mode
  spacebar+W Switch to Cut mode
  spacebar+E Switch to Rotate mode
  1 Switch to Perspective view
  2 Switch to Front view
  3 Switch to Side view
  4 Switch to Top view
  5 Switch to Schematic view
  Shift-click Add single items to multiple selection
  Ctrl-drag Select multiple vertices
  Shift+C Close GMask
  Esc Toggle between Perspective and Schematic views