Hotkeys > 
Stabilizer Hotkeys

Use the following hotkeys in the Stabilizer module.

  Press: To:
  Ctrl Scrub audio
  PgDn Switch to next page of trackers
  PgUp Switch to previous page of trackers
  Shift+D Delete current keyframe
  Alt+S Go to next cue mark
  Alt+A Go to previous cue mark
  I Set keyframe
  F5 Switch to Player (after process)
  F7 Open Setup menu
  F8 Open Animation menu
  ] Enable Auto Key
  V Play
  C Reverse play
  \ Process
  Ctrl+\ Analyse
  spacebar Stop
  Ctrl+A Go to start of clip
  Ctrl+S Go to end of clip
  left arrow Go to previous frame
  right arrow Go to next frame
  Ctrl+Z Go to previous keyframe
  Ctrl+X Go to next keyframe
  F1 Switch to Front clip view
  F4 Switch to Result clip view
  1 Work with Tracker 1
  2 Work with Tracker 2
  3 Work with Tracker 3
  4 Work with Tracker 4
  5 Work with Tracker 5
  0 (zero) Load
  Shift+0 Save
  Ctrl+right arrow Step
  L Lock keyframe
  E Select Edit mode
  G Select Gang Edit mode
  Alt+O (letter o) Select Solo Edit mode
  Alt+0 (zero) Select last tracker
  up arrow Select previous tracker
  down arrow Select next tracker
  Alt+I Enable Icons
  Shift+D Delete current key
  Alt+D Delete current keyframe and go to previous keyframe
  Alt+P-click Switch on proportional scaling
  Alt+\ Show path
  Ctrl-click Pick reference
  Alt-click Pick shifts
  Ctrl-click Move image offsets
  Backspace Undo
  D Reset all