Archiving and Restoring Setups

When you archive a project setup, you create a file archive of all setup, resource, and media files in your home directory of your project. If your project is primarily one resolution with a few custom resolution plates, consider exporting them to the images directory. Archive the standard-resolution material to VTR. Of course, you cannot export files and conserve potentially valuable metadata.

You can archive and restore setups previously saved in any Smoke module. When you save setups as you work in different modules, they are saved by default in the current project. When you archive setups, they are archived in the current project. Before archiving setups, make sure you have:

NoteYou can archive setups to a file, to tape devices, or an external USB/FireWire Drive.

Archive setups using the Archive Setups menu.

To access the Archive Setups menu:

  1. Click the Clip Library box on the EditDesk to display the Clip Library menu.
  2. Open an archive to display the Archive menu.
  3. In the Archive Type box, select Setups.

    The Archive Setups menu appears.

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) Archive Type box  (b) Setup Archive Name field  

To archive project setups:

  1. The Setup Archive Name field contains the default path for the archive file, as specified in the SETUPARCHIVETAPE KEWORD section of the software initialization configuration file. If you want to change the path, click the Setup Archive Name field; otherwise, go to step 4.

    The file browser and on-screen keyboard appear.

    NoteOnly one device can be specified at a time.
  2. If needed, select another directory using the file browser.
  3. Type a new filename using the on-screen keyboard, and click Enter.

    The file browser closes and the Archive Setups menu reappears. The new path appears in the Setup Archive Name field.

  4. Click Archive, then click Confirm.

    An archive file for your current project setups is created. It includes all setups you saved in your modules.

  5. Click EXIT Archive.

To restore project setups:

  1. Display the Archive Setups menu.
  2. The Setup Archive Name field displays the last saved archive. If you want to select a different archive, click the Setup Archive Name field; otherwise, go to step 4.

    The file browser appears.

  3. If needed, select another directory using the file browser.
  4. Select the archive you want to restore by clicking on it.

    The file browser closes and the Archive Setups menu reappears.

  5. Click Restore, then click Confirm.

    The archive file containing your project setups is restored into the current project. That is, all the setups you saved in your modules are loaded into the appropriate modules.