
The FontProxyHighString keyword, along with the FontProxyLowString keword, specifies which characters to draw in font proxies. By default, the proxy string is “Aa”. If a font includes glyph definitions for extended character sets (such as Asian character sets), you can set a proxy string by uncommenting and editing the FontProxyHighString keyword.

Both FontProxyHighString and FontProxyLowString keyword options can be uncommented at the same time. Extended character sets try the FontProxyHighString keyword first. If the values in the FontProxyHighString keyword option do not apply to the font, the FontProxyLowString keyword option is used instead.

The FontProxyHighString keyword uses the following syntax

FontProxyHighString <code>[, ...]

Where: Is:
<code> The Unicode value associated with the character that you want to display.
... Up to four (for a total of five) more Unicode values for the font proxy string.

Example of use

FontProxyHighString 0x3042, 0x30a2

This example displays the Japanese “Hiragana A” and “Katakana A” characters.