Hotkeys > Batch > 

Use these hotkeys to edit the BFX timeline. Some of the hotkeys from the EditDesk record timeline may also apply. See Timeline Hotkeys.

  Press: To:
  N+right arrow Trim current segment head to the right
  N+left arrow Trim current segment head to the left
  N+Alt (right side of the keyboard) Trim head to in point
  N+Ctrl (right side of the keyboard) Trim head to out point
  N+spacebar Trim head to positioner
  N+[ Trim current segment head to in point
  N+] Trim current segment head to out point
  B+right arrow Trim tail to the right
  B+left arrow Trim tail to the left
  B+Alt (right side of the keyboard) Trim tail to in point
  B+Ctrl (right side of the keyboard) Trim tail to out point
  B+spacebar Trim tail to positioner
  M+right arrow Slide selected transition to the right
  M+left arrow Slide selected transition to the left
  M+Alt (right side of the keyboard) Slide transition head to in point
  M+Ctrl (right side of the keyboard) Slide transition head to out point
  M+spacebar Slide transition head to positioner
  M+[ Slide selected transition to in point
  M+] Slide selected transition to out point
  ,+/+right arrow Slip selected segment to the right
  ,+/+left arrow Slip selected segment to the left
  Home Create a timewarp on selected segment
  F+click Copy from the timeline
  G Perform an insert edit
  J Perform a replace edit (replaces a segment in the timeline with material from another clip without changing the sequence duration)
  Shift+J Perform a replace edit on source media
  K Perform a ripple edit (replaces a segment in the timeline with material from another clip and ripples the track, which may change the sequence duration)
  H Perform an overwrite edit without maintaining gaps between segments in the source material
  Shift+H Perform an overwrite edit and maintain gaps between segments in the source material
  ; Perform an append edit
  Shift+; Perform a prepend edit
  L Perform an aligned edit
  Shift+' Swap segments in the timeline
  . (period) Extract
  Shift+. (period) Lift
  Ctrl+ . (period) Extract and delete material
  Shift+Ctrl+. (period) Lift and delete material
  Alt+D Delete a layer from a BFX timeline
  / Match
  Ctrl+/ Match (keep handles)
  Alt+/ Cycle Match type
  ] Enable or disable Auto Key
  | Set a keyframe
  [ Remove a keyframe