Removing Nodes

You can delete nodes from an entire schematic or remove them from an existing branch. Delete a node to delete its corresponding object from the scene. For example, delete a Geom node in the Garbage Mask schematic to delete its garbage mask from the scene. Remove a node from a branch to use it elsewhere in the scene.

If you remove or delete a node from a branch, you can keep or break the link between other nodes in the branch. In the examples where this is illustrated, the Colour Correct node in the following Batch branch is selected.

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(a)  Selected node in flow graph schematic

To delete a node from a branch and break the link between other nodes in the branch:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Drag the node to the bottom of the screen.
    • Select Delete from the Edit Mode box, and then click the node using the red cursor that appears.
      TipAfter you delete a node using the Delete option, select another option from the Edit Mode box; otherwise you may accidently delete other nodes. If the cursor is red, Delete mode is still activated.
    • Select a node, choose Selected from the Selection Mode box, and then click Delete.

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    The selected Colour Correct node shown in the first example is deleted. The child nodes in the branch are not deleted but the link to other nodes is broken.

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    (a)  Remaining nodes in (unlinked) branch

To delete a node from a branch and maintain the link between other nodes in the branch:

  1. Select a node that has only one input and output link.
    NoteIf you delete a node that has multiple input and/or output links (in Batch, for example), you will not be able to recreate existing links.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select Move from the Edit Mode box, press Shift and drag the node to the bottom of the screen.
    • (Action, Batch, Modular Keyer) Select Delete from the Edit Mode box, press Shift and click the node.

    The selected Colour Correct node shown in the first example is deleted. The link is recreated between the output of the Posterize node and the front input of the Action media node.

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    (a)  Recreated link

To remove a node from a branch and maintain the link between other nodes in the branch:

  1. Select a node that has only one input and output link.
    NoteIf you remove a node that has multiple input and/or output links (in Batch, for example), you will not be able to recreate existing links.
  2. Select Move from the Edit Mode box.
  3. Press Ctrl+Alt and click the node.

    The selected Colour Correct node shown in the first example is disconnected from the branch. The link is recreated between the output of the Posterize node and the front input of the Action media node.

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    (a)  Disconnected node (b) Recreated link 

To delete a branch gesturally:

  1. Select Move from the Edit Mode box.
  2. Select Branch from the Selection Mode box.
  3. Press Alt and drag the parent node—the first node for the branch that you want to delete—to the bottom of the screen.

    The selected node and all its children are deleted.

Batch and Modular Keyer: To delete a node and all nodes downstream in the branch gesturally:

  1. Select Move from the Edit Mode box.
  2. Select Branch from the Selection Mode box.
  3. Press Alt+spacebar and drag a node to the bottom of the screen.

    The selected node and all nodes downstream are deleted.

To delete a branch with the Delete button:

  1. Select Branch from the Selection Mode box.
  2. Click the parent node—the first node for the branch that you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.

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    The selected node and all its children are deleted.

To delete a tree gesturally:

  1. Select Move from the Edit Mode box.
  2. Select Tree from the Selection Mode box.
  3. Press Alt and drag a node in the tree that you want to delete to the bottom of the screen.

To delete a tree with the Delete button:

  1. Select Tree from the Selection Mode box.
  2. Click a node in the tree that you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.

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To delete an unattached node:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Select Delete from the Edit Mode box, and then click the node that you want to delete with the red cursor that appears.
      TipAfter you delete a node using the Delete option, select another option from the Edit Mode box; otherwise you may accidently delete other nodes. If the cursor is red, Delete mode is still activated.
    • Select a node, choose Selected from the Selection Mode box, and then click Delete.
    • Drag the node to the bottom of the screen.

To delete all nodes in the schematic:

  1. Make sure a node is selected.
  2. Select All Nodes (or All) from the Selection Mode box.
  3. Click Delete.

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    All nodes are deleted.

    In schematics that have a default camera, for example, Action, the default Camera node is not deleted. In the Modular Keyer, clip nodes and the Result node are not deleted.