Gaining Access to the Remote Machine

The .rhosts file defines which remote hosts can invoke commands on the local machine without requiring a password. To use the to_framestore and from_framestore utilities successfully, you must add an entry to the remote machine's .rhosts file. Otherwise, you will be denied access to it.

To modify the .rhosts file:

  1. On the remote machine, log in to the account from which you will be running Smoke.
  2. Open a command shell.
  3. Change to the account's home directory by typing:

    cd ~

  4. Open the .rhosts file (or create one) using a text editor.

    If it does not exist, create a new one.

  5. Add the following line (if it is not already present):

    + <host name>

    where <host name> is the name of the machine where you will be running the utilities.

  6. Save the file and close the text editor.
  7. For safety, ensure you are the only user that can write to the file:

    chmod 644 .rhosts