Using Different Media for the Displacement Source

You can specify different media as the displacement source. Do this to apply a custom matte, or alpha, as a displacement map instead of using one media for both the texture and displacement.

To use another media as the displacement source for a surface of Media1:

  1. Click Media to access the Media menu.
  2. Select a media from the Media list, or click <new media> and Add to return to the EditDesk to add new media.
    NoteIf Auto Image or Auto DVE is selected in the Auto Image option box in the Setup menu, an image node and axis, or a DVE Layer Object node is created when adding new media. These nodes are not needed for displacement mapping, and can be hidden or deleted.
  3. In the schematic, select the Displace node whose media you want to change.

    Notice that in Schematic view, the number next to the name of the selected Displace node is (1), indicating the media used for the displacement is Media1.

  4. In the Media menu, click Apply.

    In Schematic view, the number next to the name of the selected Displace node change to (2), for example. (2) indicates Media2 is used as the displacement source.