Pulldown Tools

Smoke includes pulldown tools and features, the extent of which depend on the pulldown used.

Tool or feature Standard Advanced PAL
Real-time pulldown removal on video capture Available Not available Not available
Auto-capture from EDLs with automatic, real-time pulldown removal Available Not available Not available
Real-time pulldown insertion during playback Available Not available Not available
Pulldown insertion and removal using the Pulldown nodes in BatchFX Available Available Available
Pulldown insertion and removal on the EditDesk Available Available Available
Dual timecode display on the timeline and in the Player Available Available Not available
Reporting of hybrid transitions in EDLs Available Not available Not available
Real-time pulldown insertion on video output Available Not available Available
Exporting of EDLs from 24p masters as 60i with field-based accuracy for final tape-to-tape colour grading Available Not available Not available