Accessing the Output Clip Menu

Access the Output Clip menu from the Player if you are also using Real-Time Deliverables, or from the Library menu on the Desktop. From there you can select a single clip for output, or a reel containing multiple clips for output.

To access the Output Clip menu from the Desktop:

  1. From the Main menu, click Library (or press 1).
  2. Click Output Clip.

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    The cursor becomes a red arrow.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click the clip you want to output. If the timing of the clip differs from your current preview timing setting in Preferences, Flint switches to that timing and attempts to select a matching VTR from the list of available devices. See Working with Multi-Format Input and Output.
    • Alt-click a clip on a reel to output all clips on that reel. If the clips have different timing settings, the timing of the first clip selected is respected. Clips having different timing settings from the first clip are ignored.

    The In, Out, and Dur fields are set based on the corresponding values of the selected clip.

To access the Output Clip menu from the Player:

  1. From the Desktop, enter the Player with the clip to output.
  2. In the Deliverables tab, select the Deliverable to output.
  3. Click Output Clip.