Jobs Tab

The Jobs tab presents information relating to all jobs associated with the selected Backburner Manager. Use it to view and control the decoding jobs submitted from WiretapCentral, as well as to view jobs submitted to Backburner by other Autodesk Visual Effects and Finishing applications.

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The following table describes the operations available from the Action menu.

Select To
Settings Open the Job Details window for the selected job. See Viewing Job Details and Job Tasks.
Activate Resume a suspended job from where it was halted. Tasks that were already completed are left as-is, and are not redone.
Restart Restart a suspended job and all its tasks from the beginning, setting the job status to waiting.
Suspend Place the job on hold.
Delete Remove the job from the job queue.

The following table presents the information found in the Jobs tab.

Column Description
Name This corresponds to the session name specified when submitting the decoding job..

The current state of the job:

complete: Completed successfully.

active: Currently being serviced.

suspended: On hold.

idle: Not scheduled for service.

waiting: Ready, and waiting to be serviced.

% Done Percentage of tasks that have been completed.
Tasks The number of completed tasks and the total number of tasks for the job. For example “55/145” indicates 55 out of 145 tasks for the job have been completed.
Priority The job priority, from 0 to 100. Zero is the highest priority. 100 means the job is suspended. Default is 0.
Submitted The time at which the job was originally submitted, in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Started The time at which the job started, in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. If the job has not started, zeros appear for the values.
Elapsed The time duration consumed by the job (HH:MM:SS).
Type The processing engine needed for the job. For example:

Burn: The Burn renderer.

Command Line Tool: The Backburner cmdjob command-line plug-in allows you to submit batch, executable, or script files to Backburner as “custom” jobs.

mio: The MIO adapter is the processing engine responsible for carrying out transcoding jobs.

Wire: Installed with Stone and Wire. Can be used to import/export media, perform Wire transfers, etc. Used by the Wiretap SDK’s background I/O tool, wiretap_bgio_tool.

Owner The name of the user that submitted the job. This value is set automatically by Backburner when the job is first created. By default, all jobs submitted from WiretapCentral have an owner of “apache”.