Use the Translate, Scale, and Rotate options to change the position, size, and orientation of part or all of the mesh.
To translate, scale, or rotate the mesh:
The selected area of the mesh is translated, scaled, or rotated.
By default, a vertex's tangents work together. Moving one tangent has the inverse effect on the opposite one to maintain a smooth curve at the vertex. In certain cases, you may want the tangents to move independently of each other.
Consider the mesh in the following example.
Suppose that you want to move tangent A to change the shape of edge A. Moving tangent handle A also causes tangent B to move in the opposite direction (as shown above); tangent A and tangent B are locked. You can use the Break command to break the tangents and move them independently (as shown here).
After using Break to break two tangents, you can use the Auto command to rejoin them. Note that resetting the tangents also resets the corresponding edges to their default positions.
The tangent and the opposite one can now be moved independently. The tangent handles are solid indicating they are broken.