Attach a front clip to the Motion Analysis node to analyse image displacement in a frame with respect to the frame before it.
Regardless of bit depth, node output for each output tab is a 16-bit floating-point image.
The Motion Analysis node includes two additional views: Forward Flow and Backward Flow. In these views, motion is represented by a colourspace. The colour intensity increases to indicate a larger displacement in the sampled area.
Colour | Type of Motion |
Red | Horizontal motion |
Green | Vertical motion |
Yellow | Horizontal and vertical motion |
Black | No motion |
(a) Motion data in the Forward Flow view
Motion analysis accuracy is determined by the Quality parameter: you can process the image at its full resolution, or change the option to increase the processing speed. Forward motion data is output in the upper output tab, and backward motion data is output in the lower output tab.
Forward and backward motion data from this node can be input into the green and blue tabs, respectively, of the Vector Viewer and Motion Blur nodes. See Motion Estimation Using Batch Nodes.
The Motion Analysis node processes frames based on data from preceding and subsequent sample frames. A frame with missing media that is set to No Media may be included in a sample.