
The MemoryApplication keyword allocates memory for frame buffers. A frame buffer is a chunk of memory set aside to store image data in RAM for the fastest possible display of frames while working in the application.

In most cases, the MemoryApplication keyword should be commented out. When it is commented out, the default memory configuration is used, and is based on the physical memory installed on the system. This default configuration is sufficient for most projects, regardless of the different resolutions you may be working with.

Uncommenting the MemoryApplication keyword overrides the default memory configuration. You should only override the default memory configuration by uncommenting the MemoryApplication keyword under the following conditions:

The MemoryApplication keyword uses the following syntax

MemoryApplication <megabytes>

where <megabytes> is the amount of memory dedicated to the corresponding token, in megabytes.

Example of use

MemoryApplication 400