Display Settings

Use these setting to customize your Action display.

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Icons boxSelect object (axes, borders, control points) display options. The selected option displays icons only for the object currently selected in the scene.

TipYou can also display the axis icons in 2D to increase your interaction speed. You can set the setenv DL_ACTION_2D_AXES 1 in the .cshrc file.

Icon Transparency fieldDisplays the transparency for icons that represent axes, lights, motion paths, and 3D geometry in the scene.

Ruler buttonEnable to display the ruler in the scene area.

Use the arrows at each extremity of the ruler to place the beginning and end of the ruler anywhere in your scene view.

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TipUse the Shift key to snap the ruler into place either horizontally or vertically.

(Ruler) Define buttonEnable to define real unit measurements, such as feet, metres, or inches, instead of pixels. All camera distance or axes measurements thereafter use the defined scale.

(Ruler) Length fieldDisplays the length and measuring unit (feet, metres) to use.

When you enter a length, click Define again to apply the new scale to the ruler and all pertinent fields, such as position, rotation, and scale.

TipHold the Ctrl key and click Define to reset the ruler’s scale.

Grid boxSelect the type of grid to display in the scene. Use to position objects in the scene more accurately.

Select: To:
Grid Off Disable the grid.
Grid XY Use a grid constructed on the X and Y planes.
Grid XZ Use a grid constructed on the X and Z planes. The XZ grid is visible only when the camera is moved from its default position.
Grid YZ Use a grid constructed on the Y and Z planes. The YZ grid is visible only when the camera is moved from its default position.

Colour potDisplays the custom colour for the grid.

NoteThe Action grid is independent from the global grid in the Grids and Guides menu.

Resize Back boxSelect a resize setting for the background media. Affects Colour Corrector and Keyer operations on media, to temporarily provide them with the proper resolution when you enter these modules. This option does not affect the render.

Back Fill Quality boxSelect the quality of the resize defined in the Resize Back box.

Ortho Near fieldDisplays the value of the near view in the image window when using Camera or an orthographic view.

Ortho Far fieldDisplays the value of the far view in the image window when using Camera or an orthographic view.

3D Cloud buttonEnable to display 3D points in your image after performing a 3D auto track analysis. You can also use the hotkey Alt+D to turn this button on or off from any Action menu.