Creating a Mask

Masks are controlled using the Wipe schematic. When you create a mask, an Axis node and Geom node are added to the schematic. The Axis node contains all the rotation, scaling, and position data, and the Geom node contains all the information about how the mask will affect the image (softness, opacity, alpha, axis offset).

To create a wipe mask:

  1. From the Wipe Editor, click Mask.
  2. Select Geometry from the Element box.

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    (a) Add button  (b) Element box  (c) Edit Mode box  

  3. Click Add, or select Create from the Edit Mode box.
    TipYou may want to display the outgoing or incoming clip while drawing the mask since the composite is created in Result mode.
  4. Click the image to create the first point.
    NoteIf you are drawing a mask freehand, press Shift and then press down on the cursor to draw the mask. When you release the cursor, the mask closes automatically.
  5. Click again to draw the second point.

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    (a) Tangent  (b) Vertex  

    NoteIf you are not in Auto Tangents mode, you can still create a tangent while setting a point by clicking and dragging the cursor.
  6. To close the mask, click Close or click the first point.