Media List Navigation and Modification

In the Media menu, use the Media list to select media for keying, colour correction, blurring, displacement, and more. Use these hot keys to move quickly from media to media, and to set some media effects efficiently.

  Press: To:
  Page Down Go to the next page (down)
  Page Up Go to the previous page (up)
  down arrow Scroll down one line
  up arrow Scroll up one line
  Home Go to the beginning of the Media list
  End Go to the end of the Media list
  Ctrl-click Select multiple media lines in the Priority Editor list or Media list
TipYou can also use the tablet pointer button.
  Shift-click Select a range of media in the Priority Editor list or Media list
  spacebar-click Drag and drop in the Priority Editor
  Alt-drag Set Front and Matte slip equally by Alt-dragging in the F slp or M slp field
TipWhen you release the cursor, the value is applied to both fields.
  F Toggle the Matte media display on/off
  Ctrl+Alt-click Reset a field
  Double-click Toggle on/off a Gaussian, Divide, or Crop feature
  Shift-Double-click Toggle on/off all selected Gaussian, Divide, or Crop features
  Ctrl+Shift-click Set a keyframe during a slip operation
  Alt+Shift-click Set a keyframe on both the matte and front clip during a slip operation
  Alt-click a surface Automatically select the associated media in the Media list.
TipIf the Media list is not displayed, press Alt and double-click the surface to switch to the Media list and select the associated media.
  Alt-drag Blur X- and Y-axes proportionally when applying a Gaussian blur by dragging in the X or Y field