Text Hot Keys

Some hot keys are available either only in Edit Text mode or only in Move Layer mode.

  Press: To:
  A+spacebar Add a point to a path
  B+spacebar Break a tangent
  D+spacebar Delete a point
  M+spacebar Move a point
  U+spacebar Select Auto Tangent mode
  Alt+Shift+L Select all layers
  Alt+Ctrl+S Go to next cue mark
  Alt+Ctrl+A Go to previous cue mark
  Alt+0-9, on the numeric keypad+Enter Note: Hold Alt throughoutthe entire operation Add a text symbol with ASCII code
  Alt+D+Enter Reset all (no confirm)
  Ctrl+6 Switch to Player (after process)
  F7 Open Setup menu
  F8 Open Animation menu
  ] Enable Auto Key
  Ctrl+ ` Exit Text module
  Ctrl+Shift+0 Save a text file or style
  Ctrl+Alt+0 Load text file or style
  F2 Switch to Back clip view
  F4 Switch to Result clip view
  Ctrl+V Play
  Ctrl+C Reverse play
  Ctrl+ \ Process
  Ctrl+ Shift+ \ Preview
  Ctrl+Home Toggle Home view on and off
  Ctrl+Shift+spacebar-drag Pan around viewing area
  Ctrl+up arrow Zoom in
  Ctrl+down arrow Zoom out
  Ctrl+A Go to start of clip
  Ctrl+S Go to end of clip
  Ctrl+right arrow Go to next frame
  Ctrl+left arrow Go to previous frame
  Ctrl+X Go to next keyframe
  Ctrl+Z Go to previous keyframe
  Home Go to beginning of line
  End Go to end of line
  Ctrl+PgUp Go to beginning of text roll
  Ctrl+PgDn Go to end of text roll
  PgUp Go to previous page in text layer
  PgDn Go to next page in text layer
  down arrow Move cursor down
  left arrow Move cursor left
  right arrow Move cursor right
  up arrow Move cursor up
  Esc Toggle between Edit and Move modes
  Alt+S Resize selected characters (Resize mode)
  Alt+K Rekern selected characters (Rekern mode)
  Alt+L Change leading of selected lines in relative proportion to leading values already specified (Leading mode)
  Alt+Y+up arrow ordown arrow Change to Y offset mode and shift selected layer(s) along vertical axis (Y Offset mode)
  Alt+Z+0-9, on the numeric keypad Create a safe title and align selection within safe title overlay (Safe Title mode)
  Alt+J+0-9, on the numeric keypad Align multiple selected layers within selection (Align Sel mode)
  Alt+N Create a new layer
  Alt+F Fit layer box to text
  Tab Select next layer
  Shift+Tab Select previous layer
  Alt+Shift+A Select all layers
  Alt+Shift+left arrow Bring layer to front
  Alt+Shift+right arrow Send layer to back
  Shift-drag Snap layer to X or Y axis to move in a straight line
  up arrow Move selected layer(s) 1 increment up
  down arrow Move selected layer(s) 1 increment down
  left arrow Move selected layer(s) 1 increment left
  right arrow Move selected layer(s) 1 increment right
  Shift+ up arrow Move selected layer(s) 10 increments up
  Shift+down arrow Move selected layer(s) 10 increments down
  Shift+left arrow Move selected layer(s) 10 increments left
  Shift+right arrow Move selected layer(s) 10 increments right
  Alt+A Select all characters in layer
  Alt+P Select all characters in paragraph
  Shift+up arrow Extend selection 1 line up
  Shift+down arrow Extend selection 1 line down
  Shift+left arrow Extend selection 1 character to left
  Shift+right arrow Extend selection 1 character to right
  Shift+Home Extend selection to beginning of current line
  Shift+End Extend selection to end of current line
  Ctrl+Shift+PgUp Extend character selection to beginning of layer
  Ctrl+Shift+PgDn Extend character selection to end of layer
  Alt+X Cut selected text and styles (font, size, color, for example)
  Alt+Shift+X Cut selected text without character styles
  Alt+C Copy selected text and character styles
  Alt+Shift+C Copy selected text without character styles
  Alt+V Paste cut or copied text at insertion point
  Alt+D Delete selection (same as Delete Selected button)
  Insert Toggle between text insert and overwrite modes
  Ctrl+Shift+F<n>, where n is 1-9 Define Style(n) button with current text selection
  Ctrl+F<n>, where n is 1-9 Apply Style(n) to current text selection
  Ctrl+D Reset all
  Shift+Backspace Redo
  Ctrl+Backspace Undo