Some hot keys are available either only in Edit Text mode or only in Move Layer mode.
Press: | To: | |
A+spacebar | Add a point to a path | |
B+spacebar | Break a tangent | |
D+spacebar | Delete a point | |
M+spacebar | Move a point | |
U+spacebar | Select Auto Tangent mode | |
Alt+Shift+L | Select all layers | |
Alt+Ctrl+S | Go to next cue mark | |
Alt+Ctrl+A | Go to previous cue mark | |
Alt+0-9, on the numeric keypad+Enter Note: Hold Alt throughoutthe entire operation | Add a text symbol with ASCII code | |
Alt+D+Enter | Reset all (no confirm) | |
Ctrl+6 | Switch to Player (after process) | |
F7 | Open Setup menu | |
F8 | Open Animation menu | |
] | Enable Auto Key | |
Ctrl+ ` | Exit Text module | |
Ctrl+Shift+0 | Save a text file or style | |
Ctrl+Alt+0 | Load text file or style | |
F2 | Switch to Back clip view | |
F4 | Switch to Result clip view | |
Ctrl+V | Play | |
Ctrl+C | Reverse play | |
Ctrl+ \ | Process | |
Ctrl+ Shift+ \ | Preview | |
Ctrl+Home | Toggle Home view on and off | |
Ctrl+Shift+spacebar-drag | Pan around viewing area | |
Ctrl+up arrow | Zoom in | |
Ctrl+down arrow | Zoom out | |
Ctrl+A | Go to start of clip | |
Ctrl+S | Go to end of clip | |
Ctrl+right arrow | Go to next frame | |
Ctrl+left arrow | Go to previous frame | |
Ctrl+X | Go to next keyframe | |
Ctrl+Z | Go to previous keyframe | |
Home | Go to beginning of line | |
End | Go to end of line | |
Ctrl+PgUp | Go to beginning of text roll | |
Ctrl+PgDn | Go to end of text roll | |
PgUp | Go to previous page in text layer | |
PgDn | Go to next page in text layer | |
down arrow | Move cursor down | |
left arrow | Move cursor left | |
right arrow | Move cursor right | |
up arrow | Move cursor up | |
Esc | Toggle between Edit and Move modes | |
Alt+S | Resize selected characters (Resize mode) | |
Alt+K | Rekern selected characters (Rekern mode) | |
Alt+L | Change leading of selected lines in relative proportion to leading values already specified (Leading mode) | |
Alt+Y+up arrow ordown arrow | Change to Y offset mode and shift selected layer(s) along vertical axis (Y Offset mode) | |
Alt+Z+0-9, on the numeric keypad | Create a safe title and align selection within safe title overlay (Safe Title mode) | |
Alt+J+0-9, on the numeric keypad | Align multiple selected layers within selection (Align Sel mode) | |
Alt+N | Create a new layer | |
Alt+F | Fit layer box to text | |
Tab | Select next layer | |
Shift+Tab | Select previous layer | |
Alt+Shift+A | Select all layers | |
Alt+Shift+left arrow | Bring layer to front | |
Alt+Shift+right arrow | Send layer to back | |
Shift-drag | Snap layer to X or Y axis to move in a straight line | |
up arrow | Move selected layer(s) 1 increment up | |
down arrow | Move selected layer(s) 1 increment down | |
left arrow | Move selected layer(s) 1 increment left | |
right arrow | Move selected layer(s) 1 increment right | |
Shift+ up arrow | Move selected layer(s) 10 increments up | |
Shift+down arrow | Move selected layer(s) 10 increments down | |
Shift+left arrow | Move selected layer(s) 10 increments left | |
Shift+right arrow | Move selected layer(s) 10 increments right | |
Alt+A | Select all characters in layer | |
Alt+P | Select all characters in paragraph | |
Shift+up arrow | Extend selection 1 line up | |
Shift+down arrow | Extend selection 1 line down | |
Shift+left arrow | Extend selection 1 character to left | |
Shift+right arrow | Extend selection 1 character to right | |
Shift+Home | Extend selection to beginning of current line | |
Shift+End | Extend selection to end of current line | |
Ctrl+Shift+PgUp | Extend character selection to beginning of layer | |
Ctrl+Shift+PgDn | Extend character selection to end of layer | |
Alt+X | Cut selected text and styles (font, size, color, for example) | |
Alt+Shift+X | Cut selected text without character styles | |
Alt+C | Copy selected text and character styles | |
Alt+Shift+C | Copy selected text without character styles | |
Alt+V | Paste cut or copied text at insertion point | |
Alt+D | Delete selection (same as Delete Selected button) | |
Insert | Toggle between text insert and overwrite modes | |
Ctrl+Shift+F<n>, where n is 1-9 | Define Style(n) button with current text selection | |
Ctrl+F<n>, where n is 1-9 | Apply Style(n) to current text selection | |
Ctrl+D | Reset all | |
Shift+Backspace | Redo | |
Ctrl+Backspace | Undo |