Gradient Animation

Use the Channel Editor to animate the colours, orientation, and direction of a colour gradient. The Gradient folder includes Start and End folders for the two colours in the gradient. The Start and End folders each contain channels for the X and Y position of the colour, as well as the R, G, B, and alpha values.

Although you can animate the gradient independently, by default, the gradient will follow any transformations of the object.

To animate a gradient:

  1. Select the object with the gradient you want to animate.
  2. Click Animation. If necessary, swipe the cursor across the bottom of the screen to display the Channel Editor.
  3. Click the Geometry and Stroke folders to expand them.

    If you selected more than one object, a Stroke folder appears for each selected object. Click the Stroke folder for the object you want to animate.

  4. Click the Gradient folder to expand it, and click the Start and End folders:
  5. Click to expand each Colour folder.
    Use: To:
    x Move colour origin left or right. This is the same as moving the gradient bar handle.
    y Move colour origin up or down. This is the same as moving the gradient bar handle.
    r Change percentage of red in the colour.
    g Change percentage of green in the colour.
    b Change percentage of blue in the colour.
    a Change percentage of the colour's alpha channel. Use this channel to create a gradient matte or to change the opacity of the colour.
  6. Change the values for the channels in different frames to create a gradient animation.