Changing the Duration between Keyframes

Use the Duration field to change the duration between two or more keyframes. The Abs/Rel box determines whether the value in the Duration field is absolute or relative to the present keyframe value.

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(a) Animation Controls box  (b) Duration field  (c) Abs/Rel box  

To change the duration between keyframes:

  1. Select the animation curve and keyframes whose duration you want to change.
  2. From the Animation Controls box, select Keyframe.
  3. Select how the new duration will be applied using the Abs/Rel box.
    Select: To:
    Abs Force the duration between keyframes to the new duration value.
    Rel Apply the new duration value relative to the present value.
  4. Enter the new duration value in the Duration field.

    The distance between keyframes is changed immediately.

    NoteWhen positioned on the last keyframe, a value entered into the Duration field has no immediate effect, but the value can be used to insert a new keyframe by clicking Insert Key.