Processing a Matte

It is possible to output a matte for a selected media or for the entire scene. Use the Matte Output option box in the Media list to select between outputting no matte, a media's matte, or a scene matte.

NoteIn Batch, the Action node has two outputs, one result and one matte.

To process a media's matte:

  1. Select media from the Media list.
  2. Position the timebar where you want to begin processing the matte.
  3. Select an option from the Matte Output box.

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    Select: To Output:
    No Matte No mattes for the scene or media (default).
    MediaMatte A single media's matte. Grabs the media's processed matte and copies it directly to a frame buffer. Transformations to the media are not computed when processing the matte.
    SceneMatte A matte of the entire scene for selected media.

    If you select multiple media lines in the Media list, and select Scene Matte, you can output a combination matte for the selected media. 3D Geometries are also output.

    BlendMatte A matte of the entire scene for selected media, but use the normal blend mode to respect a scene's transparencies.
  4. Click Process.

    The newly processed matte is placed on the EditDesk.

NoteProcessing a SceneMatte may increase render times.