Searching for Clips

The search tool in the Source Area menu allows you to easily find clips located in any Source Area of your EditDesk.

To search for clips in the Source Area:

  1. In the Source Area menu, click Search.

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    The Search controls appear.

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    (a) Search Criteria box  (b) Argument option box  (c) Argument field  

  2. Select options from the Search Criteria and Argument boxes.
    Criteria Option Specify Possible Arguments
    Name A clip name Is; Is Not; Contains; Does Not Contain; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Matches Pattern
    Source TC A source timecode Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Contains; Does Not Contain
    Record TC A record timecode Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Contains; Does Not Contain
    Date A date Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Is Earlier Than; Is Later Than
    Clip Length A clip's length Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Is Greater Than; Is Less Than
    Audio Whether or not a clip contains audio Contains; Does Not Contain
    Resolution A clip resolution Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Is Less Or Equal; Is Greater Or Equal
    Soft Edit Whether or not a clip contains soft edits Contains; Does Not Contain
    Soft Import Whether or not a clip contains a soft imported source Does Not Contain, Contains
    Clip History Whether or not a clip has a clip history, or is a clip history's source clip Contains; Does Not Contain, Intermediates, Intermediates + Src, Sources
    Archive Date A date and time Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Is Earlier Than; Is Later Than; Whenever; Never
    Tape A tape name or number Is; Is Not; Contains; Does Not Contain; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Matches Pattern
    Comment A comment Is; Is Not; Contains; Does Not Contain; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Matches Pattern
    Notepad Text within a note Exists; Does Not Exist; Contains; Does Not Contain; Matches Pattern
  3. Supply the necessary search information in the Argument field.
  4. Click Search.

    If a match is found, the clip is selected and appears with a green border in the Source Area. If more than one match is found, the first clip appears with a green border and the other clips appear with a yellow border.