Choosing an Average Colour

You can use the Avg button or the Pick button to obtain the average colour of a sample of image pixels. You can sample pixels in two ways:

To sample colour values using a selection box:

  1. Click Avg.

    The cursor changes to the colour picker.

  2. Click and hold the mouse button (or press down on the pen) and drag the cursor diagonally to draw a selection box over the area of the image to sample.

    The average colour of the sampled area appears in the Current Colour pot.

    TipAlternatively, click Pick, hold down Ctrl, and draw a selection box over the image area to sample. The average colour of the sampled area appears in the Current Colour pot.

To sample colour values using the colour picker:

  1. Click Pick.

    The cursor changes to the colour picker.

  2. Alt-drag the colour picker over the image pixels you want to sample.

    The average colour of the sampled pixels appears in the Current Colour pot.