Ripple Replace Edits

A ripple replace is an insert edit in which an element that lies between two transitions is “swapped” for the incoming source clip. As the name implies, ripple replace edits ripple, meaning the edit sequence changes duration if the source clip is of a different length than the element it replaces.

To ripple replace gesturally, Ripple must be on. The Ripple Replace hot key and Ripple Replace option in the Src/Rec Player always ripple regardless of the Ripple mode.

In the following illustration, New Clip replaces Clip B. As New Clip is longer than Clip B, everything after Clip B is moved ahead to accommodate the duration of New Clip.

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To ripple replace gesturally:

  1. View the edit sequence in Storyboard view.
  2. Enable Ripple.
  3. Scroll the edit sequence until you see the shot you want to replace.
  4. Drag the source clip to the middle of the shot in the edit sequence and release when you see the ripple replace cursor.

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    (a) Clip to be replaced  (b) Source clip  (c) Ripple replace cursor (red)  (d) Duration of sequence before ripple replace (00:00:02:29) 

    Images courtesy of 525 Post Production and Casablanca

    The edit sequence changes duration to accommodate the replaced clip.

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    (a) Source clip  (b) Duration of sequence after ripple replace (00:00:02:17) 

    Images courtesy of 525 Post Production and Casablanca

To ripple replace using the hot key or the Src/Rec Player option:

  1. View the edit sequence in Storyboard or Record Timeline view.
  2. Select the new source in the Source Area.
  3. Select the element you want to replace:
  4. Press K or select Ripple Replace from the Replace dropdown list in the Src/Rec Player.

To ripple replace in a BFX timeline:

  1. Set the record and source clips.
  2. In the record timeline, select the element you want to ripple replace, or place the positioner over the element.
  3. Press K.