Action Node

Action nodes provide in-context access to a fully functional Action module. Click the Action node in the schematic to access it.

This node supports floating-point (OpenEXR) input.

You can parent a back clip to the Action node in Batch. Although doing so is not necessary, a parented back clip node provides a good visual reference for identifying the Action composite in the process tree.

To parent a back clip to an Action node in Batch:

  1. Swipe the left side of the screen to show the node bins.
  2. From the Effects node bin, drag an Action node to the schematic.
  3. Add the clip that you want to use as the back clip for the Action composite to the schematic. See Adding Clips to the Schematic.
  4. With Parent mode selected from the Edit Mode box, drag from the clip node to the Action node's green input tab.

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    When you add an Action node to a process tree, you can either add indirect media, which appear in the Batch schematic, or add direct media from the Action module. Direct media does not appear in the Batch schematic.