DeInterlace and Interlace Nodes

The DeInterlace node separates the odd and even scanlines of a clip. For each frame of the clip, the result clip contains one frame with odd scanlines (Field 1) and one frame with even scanlines (Field 2). The DeInterlace node accepts a front clip as input.

The Interlace node interlaces the odd and even scanlines of a clip. For each pair of frames in the input clip, the Field 1 scanlines of one frame are interlaced with the even scanlines of the second frame to produce a single frame in the generated clip. The node accepts a front clip as input.

The First Processed Frame field sets the value at which output is processed from the node. Unprocessed output does not display any media.

These nodes support floating-point (OpenEXR) clip input.

See Deinterlacing and Interlacing Clips.