
The place where an edit takes place in an edit sequence is called a transition. Transitions are the junctions between clips and are composed of an outgoing shot and an incoming shot. In a dissolve, the outgoing shot is the shot that fades out, and the incoming shot is the shot that fades in. The outgoing shot, incoming shot, and the blending transition are all elements of the edit sequence.

When you view a clip in the Record Area, information on each element of each clip indicates transition handles. In Storyboard, Head/Tail, or Frames view, transition handles mark the focus point of a transition from one clip to the next. A yellow bar indicates a non-blending transition such as a cut. A green bar indicates a blending transition such as a dissolve or wipe. In Frames view, green brackets also mark the start and end of a blending transition.

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(a) Non-blending transition (cut)  (b) Blending transition  (c) Transition handles