Replacing a DVE Layer Object's Clip with Another

From an expanded DVE Layer Object, you can use Action source nodes to replace a front or matte clip. Instead of expanding a DVE Layer Object, you can use layer re-entry to replace or combine a DVE Layer Object's front and matte clips with the front, matte, or a combination of the front and matte clips from other DVE Layer Objects. Re-entry uses duplicate links internally to maintain the links between re-entered DVE Layer Objects. See Duplicating Objects.

To replace a DVE Layer Object's front or matte clip:

  1. From the Edit Mode box, select Reentry (or press Alt+R).

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  2. To replace a front clip, in the schematic, drag from the DVE Layer Object containing the front clip that you want to replace, to another DVE Layer Object.

    A red line indicates the front re-entry link between the two DVE Layer Objects.

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    (a) Front re-entry link  

  3. To replace a matte clip, in the schematic, press Alt and drag from the DVE Layer Object containing the matte clip that you want to replace, to another DVE Layer Object.

    A blue line indicates the matte re-entry link between the two DVE Layer Objects.

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    (a) Matte re-entry link  

    NoteMultiple front or matte re-entry from the same source is not allowed. For example, DVE_L2 cannot receive front re-entry from another DVE Layer Object if it is already connected to the front of DVE_L1. You can, however, have cascading re-entry. For example, DVE_L2 can be the source DVE Layer Object for DVE_L3, while DVE_L2 receives a re-entry of DVE_L1.
  4. Use the Object menu to change any of the controls for the newly linked DVE Layer Objects.

    Because of the re-entry links between the DVE Layer Objects, the tabs that are displayed in the Axis and Surface menus are different than for a DVE Layer Object without re-entry links. For example, in the following schematic, both front and matte re-entry occur from DVE_L1 to DVE_L2.

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    The following tabs are displayed in the Object menu when DVE_L2 is selected in the schematic.

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    NoteIf there are more than five tabs on either side of the Object menu, use the arrows beside the tab names to navigate to the desired tab.

    The axes that control DVE_L1 are not displayed when DVE_L2 is selected in the schematic. To see the DVE_L1 axis controls, select DVE_L1 in the schematic.