Colour Correcting the Result Clip

Use the colour channel curves in the Colour menu to colour correct the result composite. By default, these colour corrections affect the keyed front clip after it is blended with the back clip.

To colour correct the result composite:

  1. Click Result so that you can see the changes as you make them.
  2. In the Keyer, click Colour.

    The Colour menu appears.

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    (a) Hue spectrum  (b) Colour curves  (c) Plot button  (d) Edit Mode box  

    The Colour menu displays colour curves over a hue spectrum. When you modify the shape of a curve over a region of the spectrum, only those colours are affected.

  3. Enable Curves to apply the colour curves of the hue spectrum to the front clip.
    NoteWhen the Curves button is disabled, settings in the Colour menu are bypassed.
  4. Click the button that corresponds to the colour channel that you want to adjust: Saturation, Red, Green, or Blue, or Luminance.
  5. Edit the colour curves using the options in the Edit Mode box. For example, select Move so you can use the cursor to move the points along the curve:
  6. Continue to modify the shape of the curve until you are satisfied with the result.