Scrubbing Audio in Modules

When you load a clip with audio into a module, you can scrub the audio; you can perform both locked rate and free form scrubbing. The level heard when scrubbing in modules is affected by the level set for the channels using the level meters in the AudioDesk.

To scrub audio in a module:

  1. Load a clip with audio into a module.
  2. If there is a Play Lock option in the module's Setup menu, disable it.
  3. Set the view as follows.
    Module View
    Text Back
    Keyer Front, Back, or KeyIn
    All other modules Front, Back, or Matte
  4. Do one of the following:

    The audio scrubs as you drag.

    You can toggle between locked and unlocked scrub modes on the fly, by alternating between the Alt and Alt+Ctrl hot keys.