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Home: Flame
Animation Functions

Function Reference

Simple Mathematical Functions
Slip Functions
Use the following functions
to slip the starting frame of a clip backwards or forwards using
the slip channel. In effect, the displayed frame in a layer's clip
will be the animation's current frame number plus the slip value.
For example, a slip value of -15 holds the clip at the first frame
and repeats it 15 times before the clip begins. In this way, you
can create a freeze frame effect with one layer while animating
another layer. A slip value of 10 begins the clip at frame 11. See
Modifying Surfaces.
a slip value that makes a clip continuously cycle forwards and backwards.
The result should usually be assigned to the slip channel of a layer.
Syntax: |
pingpong(length) |
Arguments: |
- length is the number of frames to display before
starting to play backwards. This is usually the length of the original
Examples: |
- pingpong(10) returns a slip value that
makes a clip continuously play in a forward and backward cycle from
frame 1 to frame 10.
- pingpong(30) yields the following curve:
a slip value that makes a clip continuously repeat forwards. The
result should usually be assigned to the slip channel of a layer.
Syntax: |
repeat(length) |
Arguments: |
- length is the number of frames to display before
repeating from the beginning. This is usually the length of the original
Examples: |
- repeat(10) returns a slip value that
makes a clip repeat forwards from frame 1 to frame 10.
- repeat(30) yields the following curve:
a slip value that makes a clip continuously repeat backwards. The
result should usually be assigned to the slip channel of a layer.
Syntax: |
repeatback(length) |
Arguments: |
- length is the number of frames from the beginning
to display backwards before repeating. This is usually the length
of the original clip.
Examples: |
- repeatback(10) returns a slip value that
makes a clip repeat backwards from frame 10 to frame 1.
- repeatback(30) yields the following curve:
a slip value that makes a clip display at a given timebar frame.
If the given frame number is constant, the resulting clips will freeze
at that frame. The result should usually be assigned to the slip
channel of a layer.
Syntax: |
frametoslip(TimebarFrame) |
Arguments: |
- TimebarFrame is the timebar frame at
which to display the clip.
Examples: |
- frametoslip(10) returns a slip value
that makes a clip freeze at frame 10.
- frametoslip(frame / 2) returns a slip
value that makes a clisplay at half the normal speed.
- frametoslip(14) yields the following curve: