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Home: Flame
Importing Media Files

Importing Media Files

Supported File Formats
About Importing Media Files
At various times during
the post-production process, you may need to import files into Flame from
other applications. For instance, you may need to import:
- Scanned DPX files generated by a film
- Backgrounds or mattes created in Adobe® Photoshop®, Combustion®, 3ds Max®, or other graphic design
- Various still image files (for example,
- QuickTime® video files
- MXF media files
- Audio files (for example, AIFF, MP3,
WAV), including music from a CD
You can import and soft-import
image, video, or audio files. You can add image files or video files
to a render queue™ for
batch importing.
You can also import multiple
files using EDLs. See
Importing EDL Files.