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Accessing Resize and Resize Settings
About Resizing Clips
When working with clips of different resolutions,
you will sometimes need to resize the clips. Use Resize to change
the resolution of a clip and its frame bit depth. Typically, you resize clips in these
- If you want to load
mixed resolution clips into a module (as front, back, and matte
clips), you must use Resize to make them the same resolution or
the module will not accept the input clip selection.
- If you want to load
a front and matte clip that are not the same resolution as Action media,
you must use Resize to make them the same resolution or Action will
not accept the input clip selection. Different Action media
can be of different sizes—only the front and matte of each
media must be the same size. You can get the best results by keeping
the original resolution of all clips in Action and then resizing
them using Action 's axis transforms.
- If you have a master
clip of your project's default resolution, you can resize the master
to deliver to other resolutions.
Resize includes a crop
box that you use to define the region of the source clip from which
the resize sample is taken. Use the crop box to pan and scan 16:9
masters to a 4:3 delivery format.
can animate the frame size of a clip, provided the result is used as
an intermediate process in Batch. For example, you can animate the
frame size of a clip and feed the result into Action media.
You cannot output a clip that has anything other than a constant
frame size from frame to frame.