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Searching EDLs
the Search Events menu to search entries for text or timecode in
an EDL. When you search the EDL, you need to specify the item that
you want to search, the filter type you want to use, and the criteria
for which you want to search.
To search an EDL:
- In the Import EDL menu, click Search
- Specify the item that you want to search
for in the Search Item box. See
Search Events Menu.
- When you perform a search on Speed, toggle
the Display Speed button to display the speed in FPS or as a percentage.
- Alphabetical searches are performed on
Tape and Comment items by default. To perform a numeric search on
these items, enable Treat As Numeric.
- Specify the filter type. The filter type
will differ depending on the item you are searching.
- Enter the search criteria in the Search
Criteria field.
- To match results by case, enable Case
- Select the option that you want from
the Select Item box.
- Click Select Matches to find the items.
- Use the Next and Previous buttons to
navigate the selected matches.