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Home: Flame
Using Distort in Batch
Using Distort in Batch
Saving Preferences
Creating a Distortion to
Feed into Action Media
You can create a morph
effect in Distort, then feed the result, and the ResultMatte, into
media in an Action node, to composite with additional media.
To create a distortion feeding into Action media:
- In Batch, add an Input1 clip and its
corresponding matte, and an Input2 clip and its corresponding matte.
- Add a background clip.
NoteThe background clip
will feed into the Action node, not the background socket of the
Distort node.
- Add a Distort node.
- Add a Colour Corrector node.
- Add an Action node.
- Connect the Input1 clip to the Colour
Corrector node.
- Connect the Colour Corrector node to
the Input1 socket of the Distort node.
- Connect the other clips to their corresponding
sockets on the Distort node: Input2, Matte1, and Matte2. There is
no background connected to the background socket since Distort will
feed into media of the Action node.
- Double-click the Distort node to load
its controls into the work area.
- Create the morph between the Input1 and
Input2 clips.
- Split the screen and create a context
view for the Distort result and display it in a viewport.
- In the other viewport, access the result
of the Colour Corrector. Create an animated colour correction for
the Input1 clip to gradually transition to the colours in the Input2
- In the Action node, connect a background
clip to it.
- Within the Action node, Ctrl-click Add to add media that
feeds into the Action node in the Batch schematic.
- Feed the Result and the ResultMatte of
Distort into the front and matte of the media, in turn feeding into
- In Action, add a surface for the media.
- Animate the media.