Effects > Distort > 
Saving and Loading Distort Setups

Distort setups can be saved and loaded as setup files, with spline and other information preserved. You can also exchange Distort setups between the Desktop and the Distort node in Batch.

To save a Distort setup:

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. Select Setup as the type of file to save.
  3. Type the name of the setup, and click Save.

To load a Distort setup:

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. From the Load Type box, select the type of files to load.

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) Load Type box (b) Load Mode box 

  3. From the Load Mode box, select whether to want the setup to append to or replace any existing Distort splines in your scene.
  4. From the file browser, select the name of the setup to load.
    NoteIf the Distort setup you are loading was created in a different resolution than the current project, click Scale Setup to scale the setup's splines.