The ADAT Converter area provides settings to configure the ADAT converter for audio I/O and monitoring. The ADAT Converter area and controls only appear if remote control of the ADAT converter is enabled in the software initialisation configuration file.
Input boxSelect either AES or Analog, depending on the Audio I/O device you are using.
Dig 1-2 boxSelect the type of I/O connection used for I/O channels 1 and 2: AES (XLR) or SPDIF (RCA).
A/D Sync boxSelect the sync source used by the ADAT converter for analog/digital conversion.
Meters boxSelect the signal that you want the LED meters on the ADAT to display.
Analog Inputs fieldEnter an analog input value.
Analog Outputs fieldEnter an analog output value.
S.Clip boxEnable to reset the peaking indication on the ADAT display. Peaks occur when the input signal is too hot for the ADAT converter.
Lock boxEnable to prevent modifications of the ADAT converter from its front panel.
Reset buttonResets ADAT converter parameters to their default values.