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Accessing the Media Menu

Accessing the Media Menu

Adding Media
Media Menu Shortcuts
Use hot keys and shortcuts
when working with clips and media in the Media menu.
- Different colours and shades are used
as visual cues within the Media menu. The current media is outlined
in yellow, and the selected media is highlighted in light grey.
Selected fields of the media are highlighted in grey.
- Ctrl-click
fields or media to add to a selection, or Shift-click
to add a range to a selection. If you Ctrl-click
a field that is already selected, all selected fields of this type
in other selected media become deselected. However, if you continue
to press Ctrl, you can
then click any field, and all fields of the same type in other selected
media become selected.
- Click a numeric field to display the
calculator, or click and drag to increase or decrease the value
in a field.
- Ctrl+Alt-click a field to reset the field.
- Double-click the Gaussian, Divide, or
Crop field to toggle the effect on or off. Press Shift while double-clicking to apply
the toggle to all selected media.
- Double-click a Module field (Keyer, MK, or
CC) to enter its module. Press Alt and double-click the Keyer field
to enter the non-default keyer (Keyer or Modular Keyer).
- Click a front media to select all the
displayed fields, as well as Front mode.
- Click a matte media to select all the
displayed fields, as well as Matte mode and Process Alpha mode.
- Use the F hot
key to toggle the matte media display in the Media list on or off.
You can also set this behaviour with the Edit Front Only toggle
button in the Action Setup menu.
- Resize the column widths in the Media
menu by dragging the column dividers.