publishTool Options

The following options may be used with publishTool.

Option Function Default
-f Sets the output file format. Possible values are Alias, Cineon, Dpx, Jpeg, Pict, Pixar, Sgi, Softimage, Targa, Maya, Tiff, Wavefront. Dpx
-m Sets the compression. Possible values are def (Default), none, rle (Runlength-encoded), and lzw (Lempel-Ziv & Welch). None
-v Turns verbose mode on. Verbose mode is off.
-j Sets the JPEG compression factor. Possible values are from 0 - 100. 50
-o Sets the output file name format. .%%04d (where 4 means use 4 digits and 0 means use 0 as a placeholder where applicable)
-n Sets the maximum number of handles for the source clip to keep. 60
-L Creates soft links to the image files instead of making copies, if the media is already soft-imported and in the same file format. Off
-U Specifies the unique ID (UID) of the source clip. You can use this instead of the clip name and creation date to retrieve the source clip. This is useful when you need to distinguish between two or more source clips with the same name and creation date. Use cmtool to determine the UID of a clip; the UID appears in the clip ID column when you list the contents of a library. It has the format H_0000000000_S_0000000000_U_00000. If you use this option, you omit the <clip name> and <clip creation date> in the <source clip path>. Off