Copying and Pasting Hot Keys

Use the following hot keys in the timeline to perform copying and pasting operations.

  Press: To:
  F-drag Copy clip, element, or selection
  Shift+F-drag Copy clip (between in and out points) from Source Area to timeline
  Ctrl+G Insert into timeline (and delete clip from Source Area)
  Shift+G Insert into timeline and ripple destination elements to accommodate gap in source clip
  Ctrl+ / Copy transition clips to Source Area
  Alt+T-click segment Paste segment information into Filter Selection text fields
  G Insert clip into timeline
  H Overwrite shot in timeline
  Ctrl+H Overwrite shot in timeline (and delete clip from Source Area)
  J Replace shot in timeline
  L Perform an aligned edit
  ; Append to shot in timeline
  Shift+ ; Prepend to shot in timeline
  Ctrl+; Append to shot in timeline (and delete clip from Source Area)
  Ctrl+Shift+ ; Prepend to shot in timeline (and delete clip from Source Area)