Creating Soft Effects

You apply the Timewarp, Resize, and Colour Source soft effects through the soft effects quick menu. The quick menu provides access to the basic controls for each soft effect.

To create a soft effect:

  1. Select the element on the timeline.
  2. Click the button of the soft effect you want to apply, or press Alt plus the corresponding hot key.

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    NoteOn a 21-inch monitor, not all the soft effect buttons are displayed. Click the down arrow to view the second page of buttons.
    Click: To:
    TW (or press Alt+5 or Home) Apply a timewarp to a timeline element. You can also apply a timewarp to an audio element. See Creating Timewarp Soft Effects.
    Resize (or press Alt+7) Resize a segment to standardize its resolution with the project. Resize can also be used to correct blanking problems and to add a soft letterbox (this is much faster than using the soft Axis). See Creating Resize Soft Effects.
    Colour Source Modify the colour of a colour source directly on the timeline. See Creating Colour Sources.

    The soft effect quick menu is displayed, the LED on the soft effect button turns blue, and the soft effect indicator appears on the timeline segment.

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    (a) Timewarp LED  (b) Timewarp soft effect indicator  (c) Timewarp quick menu  

    Image courtesy of Quietman