Starting Backdraft Conform

If you are running Backdraft Conform for the first time, make sure you have correctly installed and configured the application. There are several start-up options you can use to specify a particular setup or to enable a customized configuration.

To start Backdraft Conform:

  1. Log in to the Backdraft Conform user account at your workstation.
  2. Do one of the following:

    After a few moments, the Project Management menu appears.

  3. Select the project and user you want to use or create new ones. See Managing Projects and Users.
  4. Click Start.

    The application has finished loading when you see the yellow cross cursor, and the message “Startup Complete” appears.

    NoteBackdraft Conform will not start if your system disk does not have enough space available. The system disk must have enough free space to accommodate the largest clip library plus an additional 10 MB.
  5. Tap the pen, click the mouse, or press Enter to display the EditDesk.