Killing Processes Individually

Use the kill command to kill processes individually, using their process ID number.

To use the kill command to kill processes individually:

  1. Press Alt+F3 to send Backdraft Conform to the background.
  2. Open a shell.
  3. At the command line in the shell, type:

    ps -fu<conform account name>

    This command displays information about all active processes, including the application with which each process is associated, and a process ID number.

  4. Determine the process ID number for Backdraft Conform.
  5. At the command line, type:

    kill <process number>

    where <process number> is the process number you determined in step 4. This command terminates the Backdraft Conform process that is currently executing.

    NoteThere may be more than one Backdraft Conform process running at any time. For example, there may be one process per CPU, plus some additional processes to manage the framestore. You should kill each of these processes.

    You can now restart Backdraft Conform.