The Change Frame Code Mode Tool

The Change Frame Code Mode tool allows you to change the framerate and drop frame mode. The Change Frame Code Mode tool can be accessed as follows:

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(a) Same Start TC/Frame box  (b) Frame Code Mode box  

The Change Frame Code Mode tool options are described as follows. Only those options that are unique to Frame Code Mode and not already described for Timecode are included here.

Same Start TC/Frame box Select a start option. The Same Start TC/Frame box is active only when New TC Mode is enabled.

Select: To:
Same Start TC Start with the timecode that matches the corresponding timecode in the new mode—calculated by the number of frames that correspond to the original timecode, starting from 00:00:00;00.
Same Start Frame Start with the same timecode as the one used in the old mode.

Frame Code Mode boxSelect the framerate and drop frame mode for the selected clips. The Frame Code Mode box is enabled only when the Change option box is set to New Start & Mode or New TC Mode.

Select: To apply: TC Format:
23.976 fps 23.976 frames per second timecode. This frame rate is used for NTSC DVD playback. 00:00:00+00
24 fps 24 frames per second timecode. Used to transfer a video signal to film. 00:00:00+00
25 fps 25 frames per second timecode. Good for LCD monitors or display formats that are not interlaced. 00:00:00:00
29.97 fps NDF 29.97 frames per second Non-Drop Frame timecode (frame rate for colour NTSC). If you use 29.97 fps NDF, its indicated timings will not accurately correspond with real time. 00:00:00:00
29.97 fps DF 29.97 frames per second Drop-Frame timecode (frame rate for colour NTSC). This times the video accurately with real time by dropping the extra frames in the count. 00;00;00;00
30 fps 30 frames per second timecode. Mimics a film camera's frame-by-frame image capture. 00:00:00:00
50 fps 50 frames per second timecode. Standard for PAL. 00:00:00:00
59.94 fps NDF 59.94 frames per second, Non-Drop Frame timecode (standard rate for NTSC). If you use 59.94 fps NDF, its indicated timings will not accurately correspond with real time. 00:00:00:00
59.94 fps DF 59.94 frames per second, Drop-Frame timecode (standard rate for NTSC). This times the video accurately with real time by dropping the extra frames in the count. 00:00:00:00
60 fps 60 frames per second timecode. Used for NTSC video. 00:00:00:00
NoteIf you change the frame code mode of a clip, timewarps will automatically be applied to the audio or video tracks to maintain the audio and video sync.