Source/Record Player

Use the new Source/Record Player to view both the source clip and record clip at the same time. This player is accessible from the EditDesk and Import EDL menu. It is not available from module players.

From the Source/Record Player, you can edit Source Area clips to Record Area clips using interface items. Previously, you could only edit to a record clip gesturally or using hot keys. Edits that you can now perform with the Source/Record Player include replace, ripple replace, replace all, replace source only, overwrite, insert, aligned, prepend, and append edits. With some of these edits, you have the option of keeping source gaps and of deleting the sources after the edit has been performed.

You can create subclips from the Source/Record Player, as well as generate a subclip using the original clip filename and a numerical increment (by Alt-clicking the Sub-clip button).

See Viewing Clips in the Source/Record Player.