Editing Hotkeys

Use the following hotkeys in the timeline to perform editing operations.

General Editing Hotkeys

Use the following hotkeys in the timeline to perform general editing operations.

  Press: To:
  (Linux) Ctrl+Delete

(Mac) Ctrl+Forward Delete

Remove a match frame edit to combine into a single element
  Ctrl+J Replace all selected elements (fit-to-fill edits are not supported with this hotkey)
  (Linux) Ctrl+Enter

(Mac) Ctrl+Return

Add the element at the positioner to the current selection in the timeline
  Ctrl-click On Container button, create matte container
  Alt-click an element Display clip information for clip under cursor
  Shift+G Jog a clip to the timecode that you specify using the calculator. The calculator appears when you place the cursor over a clip and use this hotkey.
  spacebar+. Extract for Action
  Shift+J Replace source media and keep soft effects
  Shift+'(apostrophe) Swap segments on timeline.
  Ctrl+Shift-click Sync Container/TL and Master/TL positioners in dual view mode
  Ctrl+F Cut a clip with in and out points to create a subclip
  Alt+Ctrl+F Create a subclip and name it using the clip filename and a numerical increment
TipIn the Source/Record View, you can also Alt-click the Subclip button.
  Alt+m Toggle timeline Snap mode during gestural editing
  Alt+H Toggle phantom marks display
  9 Display Name field for current selection
  . (period) Extract
  Shift+. (period) Lift
  / Match
  Ctrl+ . (period) Extract and delete material
  Shift+right Alt Add cue mark
  B+ right arrow or left arrow Trim tail
  N+ right arrow or left arrow Trim head
  Shift+ / Mark in and out points (current shot)
  right Alt+N Trim head to in point
  right Ctrl+N Trim head to out point
  spacebar+N Trim head to positioner
  right Alt+B Trim tail to in point
  right Ctrl+B Trim tail to out point
  spacebar+B Trim tail to positioner
  right Alt Mark in point
  right Ctrl Mark out point
  Shift-click Trim audio subframe
  Ctrl+Shift+C Scrub audio backward
  Ctrl+Shift+V Scrub audio forward
  Home Audio timewarp
  Alt+Ctrl-click an element in the timeline Display trim calculator when in Trim mode
  Ctrl+Shift+drag Gang selected clips together

Patch Panel Hotkeys

Use the following hotkeys in the timeline to perform patch panel editing operations.

  Press: To:
  (n), on thenumeric keypad, +Q, W, E, or R Patch source audio(n) to audio track 1, 2, 3 or 4 respectively
  (Linux) (n), on the numeric keypad+Print Screen

(Mac) (n), on the numeric keypad+F13

Set Primary video track to video(n)
  (Linux) (n), on the numeric keypad+Scroll Lock

(Mac) (n), on the numeric keypad+F14

Set Secondary video track to video(n)

Soft Effects Editing Hotkeys

Use the following hotkeys in the timeline to perform soft effects editing operations.

  Press: To:
  Ctrl+# Select a soft effect on the timeline
  Alt+1 Create an Axis effect for currently selected video element
  Alt+2 Create a Wipe effect for currently selected video element
  Alt+3 Create a sparks effect for selected video element
  Alt+4 Create a Colour Corrector effect for selected video element
  Alt+5 Create a Timewarp effect for currently selected audio or video element
  Alt+6 Create a Blend effect for selected video element
  Alt+7 Create a Resize effect for selected video element
  Alt+8 Create a Text effect for selected video element
  Ctrl+1 Copy an Axis effect from currently selected video element
  Ctrl+2 Copy a Wipe effect from currently selected video element
  Ctrl+3 Copy a sparks effect from selected video element
  Ctrl+4 Copy a Colour Corrector effect from selected video element
  Ctrl+5 Copy a Timewarp effect from currently selected audio or video element
  Ctrl+6 Copy a Blend effect from selected video element
  Ctrl+7 Copy a Resize effect from selected video element
  Ctrl+8 Copy a Text effect from selected video element
  ` (on the Tilde key) Exit a Soft Effect or Transition Editor
NoteTo exit the Text Editor, press Ctrl+'
  Cut Create a cut (transition) for selected track on selected layer
  Shift+Cut Create a cut (transition) for all tracks and layers
  A Go to start of Record Area clip
  S Go to end of Record Area clip
  Z Go to previous transition
  X Go to next transition
  Alt+Z Go to previous soft effect
  Alt+X Go to next soft effect
  (Linux) Shift+Insert

(Mac) Shift+Page Up

Create an Axis transition for all layers that have a transition at positioner
  (Linux) Insert

(Mac) Page Up

Create an Axis transition for selected layer at positioner (must have a transition at positioner)
  Ctrl+Shift PgDn Create a custom transition for all tracks and layers that have a head or tail at positioner
  Ctrl+PgDn Create a custom transition for selected element on selected layer
  Shift+End Create a Dissolve transition for all tracks and layers
  End Create a Dissolve transition for selected track on selected layer
  Shift+PgDn Create a Wipe transition for all tracks and layers
  PgDn Create a Wipe transition for selected track on selected layer
  Alt+PgDn Open the Wipe file browser
  Ctrl+P Toggle between Proxies and Full Res mode from the soft effect editors