Use the following hotkeys
in the timeline to perform operations with transitions.
Press: |
To: |
Home |
Add a timewarp |
(Linux) Delete (Mac) Forward Delete
Add a cut |
(Linux) Alt+Delete (Mac) Alt+Forward Delete
Add splices at in and out marks (current track and layer),
or, if no marks have been made, at in and out points of the current
(Linux) Alt+Shift+Delete (Mac) Alt+Shift+Forward Delete
Add splices at in and out marks (all tracks and layers),
or, if no marks have been made, at in and out points of the current
End |
Add a dissolve |
PgDn |
Add a wipe |
Shift+PgDn |
Create a wipe on all tracks |
Alt+PgDn |
Open the Wipe file browser |
M+ right arrow or left arrow |
Slide transition |
Ctrl+M |
Link transition |
' (apostrophe)
Swap transition |
, (comma)
Slip shot |
Ctrl+ , (comma)
Link splice |
Ctrl+PgDn |
Create a custom transition |
Ctrl+Shift+PgDn |
Create a custom transition on all tracks |
(Linux) Shift+Delete (Mac) Shift+Forward Delete
Create splice on all tracks |
Shift+End |
Create a dissolve on all tracks |
Ctrl+ ' |
Swap transition (and delete clip from Source Area) |
Shift+M |
Resize transition |
Shift+M+left arrow |
Shrink transition |
Shift+M+right arrow |
Stretch transition |
Alt+ , + right arrow or left arrow |
Slide shot |
Shift+ , |
Slip shot on subframe basis when working with audio |