Transition Hotkeys

Use the following hotkeys in the timeline to perform operations with transitions.

  Press: To:
  Home Add a timewarp
  (Linux) Delete

(Mac) Forward Delete

Add a cut
  (Linux) Alt+Delete

(Mac) Alt+Forward Delete

Add splices at in and out marks (current track and layer), or, if no marks have been made, at in and out points of the current selection
  (Linux) Alt+Shift+Delete

(Mac) Alt+Shift+Forward Delete

Add splices at in and out marks (all tracks and layers), or, if no marks have been made, at in and out points of the current selection
  End Add a dissolve
  PgDn Add a wipe
  Shift+PgDn Create a wipe on all tracks
  Alt+PgDn Open the Wipe file browser
  M+ right arrow or left arrow Slide transition
  Ctrl+M Link transition
  ' (apostrophe) Swap transition
  , (comma) Slip shot
  Ctrl+ , (comma) Link splice
  Ctrl+PgDn Create a custom transition
  Ctrl+Shift+PgDn Create a custom transition on all tracks
  (Linux) Shift+Delete

(Mac) Shift+Forward Delete

Create splice on all tracks
  Shift+End Create a dissolve on all tracks
  Ctrl+ ' Swap transition (and delete clip from Source Area)
  Shift+M Resize transition
  Shift+M+left arrow Shrink transition
  Shift+M+right arrow Stretch transition
  Alt+ , + right arrow or left arrow Slide shot
  Shift+ , Slip shot on subframe basis when working with audio