Restoring Entries from an Archive

The procedure for restoring entries from an archive is the same for all devices. When you restore material from an archive, the items that you select to restore are copied directly from the archive into the selected clip library. You can restore entries into any local clip library.

NoteIf Smoke closes unexpectedly while reading the table of contents of an archive, increase the value of the MaxLibrarySize token in the software initialization configuration file. See MaxLibrarySize.

To avoid compatibility issues between Visual Effects and Finishing applications, when restoring a complete project archive, the project EditDesk is restored to the library and not to the EditDesk. Partition entries in archives created from earlier versions of the application are loaded into Smoke as project entries.

NoteYou can restore an individual clip from a Normal or Compact archive.

To restore entries from an archive:

  1. Open the archive. See Opening an Archive.
    TipWhen you use the Open button to restore entries from an archive, Smoke reads the table of contents on the tape. To speed up the process, you can use the online table of contents by clicking the Open Using OTOC button.

    The contents of the archive appear in single view.

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) Library Type box  (b) Entry View Mode box  

    Images courtesy of Technicolor (formerly Toybox) and Das Werk

  2. Select the entries that you want to restore.
    TipUse Proxies view mode to help you identify the clips you want to restore. Dragging on a proxy will display only the first and last frame in the clip or soft edit. You can also use the search function to look for clips with particular characteristics. See Searching in an Archive.
  3. From the Library Type box, select Clip Library.

    The clip library appears.

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) Clip Library box  

    Images courtesy of Technicolor (formerly Toybox) and Das Werk

  4. From the Clip Library box, select the clip library where you want to restore the archive entries or create a new clip library.
  5. From the Library Type box, select Archive to open the archive.
  6. From the Archive menu, click Restore.

    Show small imageShow large image

    The selected entries are restored to the clip library.

    If you select a clip in an archive that matches a clip that already exists in the destination library or EditDesk reel, a message appears indicating that the clip will not be loaded from the archive. To load the skipped clips, restore them to another location where no matching clips exist.

As an alternative and more efficient way of restoring entries from an archive described in the previous procedure, you can use the dual library view.

To restore entries from an archive using dual library view:

  1. Open an archive and from the Library View Mode box select Dual View.

    The archive appears in dual view alongside the clip library. You can now easily switch from archive to clip library by clicking in the corresponding area. Switching the input focus changes the available menu options.

    NoteYou can not move or copy entries from and to archive and clip library in dual view.

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) Library View Mode box  

    Images courtesy of Technicolor (formerly Toybox) and Das Werk

  2. In the archive, select the clips that you want to restore.
  3. Switch to the clip library and from the Clip Library box, select the destination clip library or create a new library where you want to restore your clips.
  4. Switch focus to the archive area and from the archive menu, click Restore.
NoteIf you are restoring an archive created in pre-6.0 versions of Fire® or Smoke, the clips to be restored lack file metadata that are now part of the stone filesystem. The application automatically adds this metadata to clips during the restore process, but you may have to modify the configurations that assign metadata based on incoming formats. See Setting Preferences When Restoring Archives from Previous Versions.