Consolidating a Clip

Use the Consolidate tool to create a new clip from an existing clip burdened with excessively long heads and tails (handles). The consolidated clip retains handles only at the specified maximum number of frames.

To consolidate a clip:

  1. With Video selected from the A/V Tools box, click Consolidate.

    The Consolidate controls appear.

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    (a) Tracks option box  (b) Maximum Handles field  

  2. Select which tracks to consolidate from the Tracks option box.
  3. In the Maximum Handles field, enter the maximum number of frames to retain in the head and tail handles.
  4. Select the clip you want to consolidate.
    NoteUsing this tool, you cannot consolidate an element in a clip. You can consolidate an entire clip only.
  5. Select a destination for the consolidated clip.

    The result clip appears in the selected destination.