As you navigate an edit sequence, visual markers can help you identify the location where one element ends and another begins.
In Head/Tail, Frames, and Storyboard views, cuts and transitions appear as follows:
In Frames view, additional colours appear for cuts and transitions on non-focus layers as long as they are visible from the focus layer:
The following examples show the cuts and transitions of a two-layer clip. The first illustration is of the clip displayed in Timeline view.
(a) Focus layer (L2) (b) Cut on L1 seen through gap of focus layer (c) Cut on L1 not seen through focus layer (d) Transition on L1 seen through gap of focus layer
The next illustration shows the same clip displayed in Frames view. The focus is still on the topmost layer, L2. Notice how the cuts and transitions on the timeline in the previous example are colour coded depending on which layer they are on. The only cut not displayed is the one not visible from the focus layer: (c) in previous example.
(a) Cut on focus layer (b) Cut on non-focus layer (L1) (c) Transition focus point on focus layer (d) Transition focus point on non-focus layer (L1) (e) Start and end of transition on focus layer (f) Start and end of transition on non-focus layer (L1)
In addition to the video and layer information on the clip updating as you navigate, the frame count of the clip displayed in Frames view also changes colour. The colour of the frame count on layers lower down from the result layer change to a dimmed version of its original colour. For example, a blue frame count for a mixed resolution layer appears a dimmer blue if the focus is on a layer lower down from the result layer.